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王琦恩牧师 (博士)

王琦恩牧师 (博士)


BA (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
PGDE (NIE-Nanyang Technological University)
MDiv (Trinity Theological College)
DTheol (University of Divinity, Australia)

宗派: 信义会


He is interested in Lutheran dogmatic theology. He seeks to explore the interaction between the dogmatic tradition, liturgy, the sacraments and pastoral care. In doing so, he attempts to interpret the Lutheran Confessions in an ecumenical context.



Rev Samuel Wang is an ordained minister of the Lutheran Church in Singapore. Prior to joining Trinity Theological College (TTC) he worked as a history teacher and subsequently worked as a pastor in the Lutheran Church in Singapore. He has pastored two Lutheran churches before pursuing his doctoral studies at Australian Lutheran College in Adelaide, Australia (2013-2016). He is assigned by the Lutheran Church in Singapore for the ministry of theological education in TTC and is currently attached to Bedok Lutheran Church.


  • “By Faith.” In Living Hope for All: Daily Devotions For Lent 2017, edited by Florence Teo, 101-03. Singapore: The Bible Society of Singapore, 2017.
  • “Church by the Sea: Lutherans in the Philippines, Singapore, and Malaysia.” In Abundant Harvest: Stories of Asian Lutherans, edited and compiled by Edmond Yee and J. Paul Rajashekar, 123-37. Minneapolis: Lutheran University Press, 2012.
  • “Lutherans.” In Singapore: The Encyclopedia edited by Tommy Koh, Timothy Auger, Jimmy Yap and Ng Wei Chian, 315. Singapore: Editions Didier Millet, 2006.