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Rev Dr Wilfred Ho Wai Tat

Rev Dr Wilfred Ho Wai Tat

Associate Chaplain, ACS Professor of the History of Christianity

BSc Social Science (Hons.) (Chinese University of Hong Kong)
MDiv (China Graduate School of Theology, Hong Kong)
MLitt (Trinity Theological College, Singapore)
PhD (King’s College, University of London, UK)

Denomination: Methodist

Area of Research: Church History and Homiletics (C)

Area of interest:
Soteriology, Christology, Theological Interpretation of Scripture, John Wesley, Jonathan Edwards, Homiletics

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When I accomplished my MDiv in 1987, I strongly felt called to be engaged in Theological Education as my full-time ministry. However, the One who called me led me through three major shifts in my life before He finally opened the door for me to be a theological educator.

My first major shift: God led me to leave Hong Kong and come to Singapore in 1989, as I had married a Singaporean in 1986. Since then, I have gradually learned to look at the world not from an exclusively China-HK-Taiwan agenda but from an Asian perspective.

My second major shift: God led me to serve as a full-time church pastor for 15 years (1987-2002). In this 15-year pastoral ministry, I have been shaped to become a shepherd, to learn to embrace others with a pastoral heart. Ever since I joined TTC in 2007, I have realised that my way of teaching theological students is primarily pastoral.

My third major shift: God led me to join the Methodist Church in Singapore in 1993 and was ordained in 1998 as an elder of the Chinese Annual Conference (CAC), that is to serve as an itinerant preacher. In the process I learned particularly to trust more wholeheartedly so as to obey more willingly. This learning curve also shaped my doctoral thesis: “How the Incarnate Jesus in his Obedience has Actualised Salvation.”

Published works


  • 《无性繁殖:科学、伦理、和神学的初步反省》。新加坡:大点子创意工作室/三一神学院基督教教育资源中心。(与刘毓江合著)1997
  • 《我们的历史:循道卫理宗从西到东的故事》。新加坡:新加坡卫理公会华人年议会。2002
  • 《耶稣顺服与救恩奥秘:从圣经和神学探究救恩论》。香港:德慧文化图书有限公司。2014
  • 《思主所思、行主所行:卫斯理的救恩教牧神学》。香港:德慧文化图书有限公司。2017


  • “‘思主所思、行主所行’:初探卫斯理约翰之救恩论对基督徒伦理的神学含义”。《從亞洲循道卫理宗看社会伦理》。第三届卫斯理神学研讨会论文集。主編:何威达。页13-31。新加坡:新加坡卫理公会华人华人年议会资讯部。2011
  • “论蒙恩途径:重访1740年代之约翰卫斯理”。《约翰卫斯理的恩典观》。第四届卫斯理神学研讨会论文集。主编:徐瑞华。页76-100。香港:世界循道卫理宗华人教会联会。2013
  • “爱我们到底的主耶稣——默想约翰福音第13章”。《信仰心。当代情:三一神学院华文部讲师文集》。主编:刘裕江。页15-25。新加坡:三一神学院。2013
  • “重访宋尚节之重生经历”。《宋尚节博士与新马教会》。亚洲基督教研究中心——华语神学系列。主编:叶淑清。页三一神学院。2013

Journal Articles

  • “‘Having the Mind of Christ and Walking as He Walked’: Implications of John Wesley’s Soteriology for Christian Ethics.” Trinity Theological Journal 16 (2008): 133-143. 2008
  • “Jesus the True Human: Towards an Integration of Various Atonement Accounts.” Trinity Theological Journal 17 (2009): 96-120. 2009
  • “鱼与熊掌:卫斯理约翰看社会关怀和传福音之关系”。Trinity Theological Journal 19 (2011): 110-129。2011
  • “教会啊教会:苦罪世界里的受苦群体!”。Trinity Theological Journal 21 (Oct 2013): 158-172。2013

Occasional Papers

  • “我信神爱无垠、我信神恩浩瀚!:卫斯理约翰对加尔文主义的回应”。神学驿站1。主編:陈廷忠。墨尔本:澳洲华人神学研究中心。2013

Chief Editor

  • 《從亞洲循道卫理宗看社会伦理》。第三届卫斯理神学研讨会论文集。主編:何威达。页13-31。新加坡:新加坡卫理公会华人华人年议会资讯部。2011
  • 《妇女在教会的服事》。CSCA Occasional Paper Series No.9。主編:何威达。新加坡:三一神学院。2012