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New Book by Dr Tan Loe Joo

On 16 Oct 2018, Dr Tan Loe Joo, Lecturer in Theology at TTC, launched his new book The Trinity and the Religions: A Cappadocian Assessment of Gavin D’ Costa’s Theology of Religions.

With the help of his wife, Nyeo Hon, who translated his comments into Chinese, Dr Tan offered not only a clear explanation of the major issues covered in his book, but also shared his journey in researching its contents during the course of his doctoral studies. Following an interesting question and answer session, the book launch ended with a book signing session and refreshments.

Dr Tan’s book offers an exposition and assessment of Gavin D’ Costa’s trinitarian theology of religions. He begins his work by setting it within the context of the Catholic theology of religions from pre-Vatican II theology of salvation for nonbelievers to its genesis during Vatican II and its post-Conciliar trajectory.

This is followed in chapter 2 by a discussion of D’ Costa’s theology of religions. In chapter 3, three primary themes from Basil of Caesarea’s trinitarian theology is identified and articulated: (1) the doctrines of divine simplicity and inseparable operations; (2) the enlightening work of the Spirit; (3) baptism and theosis (deification). These themes from Basil provide the point of comparison with and assessment of D’ Costa’s theology.

The book concludes that while there is much to commend in D’ Costa’s theology of religions, there remain some features not fully consonant with classical trinitarianism.