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Visitors from MTS

Principal, Rev Dr Tie King Tai and 11 faculty members from the Methodist Theological School (MTS) in Sibu, Sarawak, Malaysia visited TTC and had a dialogue session with TTC faculty on 31 August. Five lecturers in the group are TTC alumni.

Day of Prayer 2016

The annual Trinity Theological College Day of Prayer was held on 18 August, with a focus on the theme “From Silence to Action in a Broken World”. Stirred by the many instances of injustice around us, the TTC community gathered for a time of individual meditation, reflection, as well as corporate prayer.

Hair for Hope 2016

This is my first time participating in Hair for Hope – the only head shaving event in Singapore that serves to raise funds and childhood cancer awareness by the Children’s Cancer Foundation (CCF). I only considered joining it when I was challenged to do so by the Mission and Evangelism Committee at Trinity Theological College (TTC). I am really grateful for the opportunity to be part of this initiative. God indeed calls us to show compassion to the afflicted, as Jesus Himself did.

Conference on ‘Human Sexuality, Marriage and the Church’

On 6 July 2016, the Ethos Institute for Public Christianity, in collaboration with seven theological seminaries, conducted a day-conference on ‘Human Sexuality, Marriage and the Church’ at the St Andrew’s Cathedral. This is the first time that so many seminaries and Bible colleges in Singapore have worked together to organise a conference for the Christian community.