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Alumni Reunion: Class of 2006

It took months in the making, and the eagerly anticipated gathering to happen. On June 25, 2016, the Class of 2006 came together for a class reunion, and aptly so, at the very place where it all started i.e. Trinity Theological College.

Sharing our Chapel Offerings 2016

On Friday, 29 April, the mid-day chapel service focused on the connection between the gospel and practical ministry in Singapore. Representatives from three local ministries, namely, Ms Melissa Ong from A Rocha, Pastor Philip Chan from the Hiding Place, and Ms Mercy Ho from Tamar Village, shared about the work of their organizations.

John Calvin and Christian Piety

What does the well-known 16th century Protestant Reformer John Calvin have to say on the subject of Christian piety? This intriguing subject was explored by Rev Dr Jimmy Tan, a lecturer in pastoral and practical theology at TTC. As part of a series of lectures jointly organized by the Asian Institute of Calvin Studies and TTC, Dr Tan drew from his doctoral research and delivered a lecture entitled “John Calvin and Christian Piety” on 19 April.