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Basic Degree

Master of Theological Studies (MTS)


The Master of Theological Studies (MTS) was launched in 2005 in response to requests from Christians who, while not considering full-time Christian ministry, seek to be trained theologically, so as to serve effectively as lay leaders in the Church or bear witness authentically to the gospel in the market place. This degree programme is open to anyone who has obtained at least a basic degree in any discipline from a recognised university. The programme covers all the main theological disciplines, but also allows enough flexibility for students to pursue their special interests.


The programme is designed to be completed in two years, when a full load is taken. However, students who are residents in Singapore have up to six years to complete it.


To graduate, a student must:
1) Complete all core courses and community requirements;
2) Fulfil at least 64 credit hours;
3) Obtain an average GPA score of at least 2.3.


Should the candidate receive a call to full-time Christian ministry while studying for the degree, he or she may apply for transfer to the MDiv programme. Many holders of the MTS have, over the years, successfully applied to seminaries or universities in the West for doctoral studies in theology.

The journey has surely been valuable and worthwhile! I really appreciate how theological education has enlarged my wonder of God and perspective of Christianity, as well as given me time and space to work out long-time questions. The lecturers have not only imparted knowledge and skills, but inspired me in my love for God and people. I am so grateful for all the friendships made and know that I can continue to count on them in future. There is still much more to learn and grasp, but I am confident that the lessons, skills and friendships gained at TTC will go a long way in this life-long journey of learning and growing!


MTS, Class of 2023, Methodist, Singapore

Praise God for orchestrating circumstances such that I could retire early and embark on the MTS programme without distraction and with much energy. What motivated me were many unanswered questions, loose ends, ill-fitting theologies and a feeling that I needed to get to the “bottom” of Christianity and the Bible. The areas that significantly molded me were OT and NT Theologies, Greek, Hebrew and Systematic Theology. Looking back on this journey, I found much beauty in Christianity and the Bible – the sort one discovers in Mathematics and Physics. But I also discovered more unanswered questions, loose ends, ill-fitting theologies and a sense that there is no “bottom.” The foolishness of God is greater than human wisdom. TTC has also been, for me, an exemplary microcosm of the larger body of Christ, with its diverse denominational representation, inclusive culture and rigorous quest for the truth. I am proud to be a graduate of TTC and will always cherish the friendships made during my studies. God has indeed left a beautiful impression in my spiritual pilgrimage – all glory to him.


MTS, Class of 2023, Independent, Singapore