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A Presbyterian Community Gathering

On Friday 2 February 2018, the Presbyterian English Chaplain, Rev Dr Edmund Fong, and the Presbyterian Chinese Chaplain, Rev Yap Seok Chin held a lunch fellowship for the Presbyterian students from the English and Chinese departments at the TTC Conference Room. As the Presbyterianism class (denominational studies) was conducted earlier in the morning, the English Presbytery ordinands joined in for the lunch. TTC Principal, Rev Dr Ngoei Foong Nghian welcomed everyone, and TTC’s vice-principal Rev Dr Edwin Tay was also present.

Following a simple but tasty lunch, we heard from our three Moderators who took turns to encourage the students. Rt Rev Teo Yew Tiong (Synod Moderator) encouraged the students to apply adequate pastoral self-care while trusting in our gracious God who has called us to the ministry. English Presbytery Moderator Rev Lee Kien Seng reminded us of the three aspects that we should take the opportunity to grow in while being in college — character, knowledge and ministry skills. Chinese Presbytery Moderator Rev Chau Soo Kheong encouraged the students to persevere in their ministry, quoting a Chinese saying that while ‘we bring pride to the Presbytery today, the Presbytery will be proud of us tomorrow’.

The three sharings were followed by a lively time of Question and Answer from the students. The whole event lasted from 12–2pm. Overall ,the students were delighted to have this chance to interact with one another and the Presbytery lecturers in TTC and with the Synod and Presbytery Moderators.

By Rev Dr Edmund Fong