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Inter-College Games Day 2017

Nothing bonds people together more than sweat, mud and a good, friendly competition. And it was a day of fun and bonding indeed, at the Inter-College Games Day on Friday, 3 March 2017. Held at Yishun Stadium, a total of five seminaries came together for a friendly race – Baptist Theological Seminary (BTS), East Asia School of Theology (EAST), Singapore Bible College (SBC), Trinity Theological College (TTC), and for the first time, Discipleship Training Centre (DTC).

The games kicked off with a relay race, where faculty, staff and students above 35 years old played alongside each other. After that, the other outdoor games commenced – Captain’s Ball, Frisbee and Soccer. Despite intermittent light rain, spirits were not dampened. The players gave their best on the field and the supporters were out in full force, cheering them on.

Finally, it was time for putting heads together at the Bible Quiz. Players were tested on Bible knowledge as well as languages such as Greek, Hebrew and Latin. TTC won hands down!

Unfortunately, due to the wet weather, not all rounds of the games could be completed. Hence, no overall winner emerged. Which reminded us that winning isn’t everything, and what’s far more important is the bonding and fellowship. Ong Bee Keow, a second-year student, enjoyed seeing the five colleges come together to bond over a friendly match.

The bonding within TTC was also evident. Jeremy Yap, a first-year student, shared, “In the lead up to the games, we trained together with people we don’t usually interact with – across levels and departments. It helped forge a deeper sense of school spirit.”

By Lau Shi Mei (MDiv3)