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Visitors from MTS

Principal, Rev Dr Tie King Tai and 11 faculty members from the Methodist Theological School (MTS) in Sibu, Sarawak, Malaysia visited TTC and had a dialogue session with TTC faculty on 31 August. Five lecturers in the group are TTC alumni. They are Rev Paul Ting Huat Ung (MTh 2013), Rev Hoo Sing Hang (MTh 2003), Rev Dr Khoo Ho Peng (MTh 1999), Rev Dr Francis Wong King Sing (DTh 2014), Rev Dr Ling Tung Kiing (MTh 1994). Dr Tie shared about the ministry and challenges of theological education in East Malaysia.

MTS is a seminary of the Sarawak Chinese Annual Conference of the Methodist Church in Malaysia and is a member of ATESEA. In the 1970s it closed and moved its Chinese department to TTC and its then principal, the late Rev Dr George Wang became the second Asian principal of TTC. Since then MTS has reintroduced the Chinese programme. The group later attended the Holy Communion service at chapel.