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Psalm 6 (MLV)

To the leader: with stringed instruments;
according to The Sheminith.
A Psalm of David.


Call for Help

1 YHWH, do not in your anger correct me,

and do not in your wrath discipline me.

2 Give grace to me, YHWH, for I am languishing;

heal me, YHWH, for my bones are terrified,

3 And my soul is greatly terrified.

But you, YHWH, how long?

4 Turn back, YHWW, deliver/draw out my soul,

save me for the sake of your steadfast love.

5 For in death there is no remembrance of you;

in Sheol, who will give you praise?


6 I am wearied with my moaning;

I cause to swim all night my bed;

with my tears my couch I cause to dissolve.

7 My eye wasted away from vexation;

it grows weak because of all my foes.

Confidence in God

8 Turn away from me all workers of evil,

for YHWH has heard the sound of my weeping.

9 YHWH has heard my plea for grace;

YHWH my prayer will take up.

10 They shall be ashamed and greatly terrified all my enemies;

they shall turn back ashamed in a moment.