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TTC Open House 2019

Just like the returned exiles listening attentively to the words of Ezra the scribe (Nh 8:3), so were the prospective students rapt at the words of the Rev Dr Lim Teck Peng’s message on the Ministry of the Word at the chapel service as part of the Trinity Theological College Open House 2019 programme on the morning of 23 January. This was indeed an apt message for those preparing to embark on their journeys of ministering the Word, faithful to the calling of God upon their lives.

They also got a chance to wrestle with issues in systematic theology, sitting in the Theology II class on the Unity of the Person of Christ vis-a-vis the Chalcedonian Creed and the false Christological paths surrounding it. Even though the lecture was rigorous academically, the Rev Dr Edmund Fong’s charismatic candour and sunshine boyish charm made it easier to bear. In fact, there were so many eager questions from prospective students that the class was slightly late for chapel!

The discussions continued at the meal tables after chapel, where prospective students eagerly chatted with lecturers and students during the community lunch. In this intimate and informal setting, prospective students caught a glimpse of the vibrant and closely-knit TTC koinonia community.

The programme ended with a campus tour, led by eager student- volunteers. Faculty members availed themselves for one-on-one sessions with individuals who had made appointments after the tour, so that other burning questions could be addressed.

As God has led me thus far in understanding His Word through the TTC community (cf. Nh 8:7-8), may God guide these prospective students, that they may serve and worship the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, to minister the Word without fear or favour (cf. Nh 8:6).

By Barnabas Sim (BD1)