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Psalm 51:17

Psalm 51:17
The sacrifice of God is a spirit broken;
A heart broken and crushed, O God, you will not despise.


“I want it that way,” my mind was singing to the tune of the famous Backstreet Boys’ song, while my heart was secretly wishing, “If only life could turn out just the way I want it.” Since young, many of us were taught to dream and to have ambition, lest we end up wasting our life.

But as we grow up, we realize that things very often do not turn out the way we want. People and circumstances are beyond our control, our plans might fail, and our dreams could break into pieces no matter how hard we try. At times like this, we are faced with our shattered pride. We are forced to loosen our grip on our own desires and acknowledge that we do not know best.

This psalm is attributed to David when his pride was shattered by the prophet Nathan. He thought as king he could take whatever he wanted into his own hands, whether for his lust or for his reputation. But when he was convicted, he came humbly to God, simply bringing his brokenness.

Eugene Petersen’s The Message puts it well: “I learned God-worship when my pride was shattered. Heart-shattered lives ready for love don’t for a moment escape God’s notice.” When we come before God acknowledging that only he knows what is best for us, that is real surrender; and surrendering is the utmost form of worship. The best part of it all is that God notices it, and he is pleased with it.

Will you surrender to God your own ambitions and desires, whether for your relationship or for your ministry results? Dear Lord, I have nothing left to offer but my shattered pride, my broken spirit. I give them into your hands knowing that you will not despise them. It is worship to you when I let go of my ways and my wants.  May it be pleasing to you, I pray.

Charlotte Ng
(M.Div., Yr 3)