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Psalm 130 (MLV)

Lament & Petition

1 From the watery depths I called to you, YHWH.

2 My Lord, hear my voice!

Let your ears be attentive

to the voice of my plea for grace!

Basis for Trust

3 If iniquities you watch over, Yah,

My Lord, who could stand?

4 But with you is the forgiveness

so that you are held in awe.

Declaration of Trust

5 I waited for YHWH, my soul waited,

and for his word I hoped;

6 my soul, for my Lord more than watchmen for the morning,

watchmen for the morning.

Invitation to Trust

7 Hope, O Israel, in YHWH!

For with YHWH is the steadfast love,

and great with him is ransom.

8 And it is he who will ransom Israel

from all its iniquities.