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Psalm 130:5-6

Psalm 130:5-6

5 I waited for YHWH, my soul waited,
and for his word I hoped;
6 my soul, for my Lord more than watchmen for the morning,
watchmen for the morning.


It’s hard waiting for God to answer prayer. Sometimes it feels like talking to a wall, to empty space, or just to ourselves.

The psalmist also waits for God’s response in Ps 130:5. In v. 6, he likens it to watchmen standing guard through the night waiting for the morning. But a watchman is not just passively waiting; he is to be alert, prowling through his designated area to ensure the safety of his camp. Most Singaporean guys would be able to relate to this where overnight “guard duty” during National Service is often dreaded as it is long and weary. There is great anticipation for morning when the shift is over. But till then, the watchman has numerous responsibilities to fulfill, and the rest of the camp can sleep in peace due to his diligence. Waiting, therefore, is not the same as inactivity.

So, what are we to do after calling and crying out to God, besides passively hiding in our rooms waiting? During my reflection of this psalm, I was reminded of a song by John Waller called “While I’m Waiting.” The chorus goes,

While I’m waiting, I will serve You.

While I’m waiting, I will worship.

While I’m waiting, I will not faint,

I’ll be running the race, Even while I wait.

This was eye-opening for me. As I am currently waiting for answers to future housing, child-care for my new-born, and my future after TTC, I am to  faithfully worship and serve “my Lord,” to diligently fulfil my duties as a child of God, a husband, a father, and a student learning more of him.

Whether we feel unworthy because of our sins, or worried about our ministry, or frustrated that we do not see an answer to prayer, we wait for YHWH to answer in the best time and way. For us as New Testament Christians, we look to the cross and know that he will never fail us.

Caleb Chua
(M.Div., Yr 2)