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Psalm 143 (MLV)

Call for Help

1 YHWH, hear my prayer;

give ear to my pleas for grace in your faithfulness;

answer me in your righteousness.

2 And do not enter into judgment with your servant,

for no one living is righteous before you.


3 For the enemy pursued my soul;

he crushed to the ground my life,

he caused me to dwell in dark places like those long dead.

4 And my spirit fainted upon me;

Within me my heart is desolated.

Confidence based on God

5 I remembered the days of old,

I meditated on all your work,

about the deed of your hands I will talk.

6 I stretched out my hands to you;

my soul like thirsty ground for you.               Selah

Call for Help

7 Hasten, answer me, YHWH;

my spirit fails.

Do not hide your face from me,

or I shall be like those who go down to the Pit.

8 Cause me to hear in the morning your steadfast love,

for in you I trusted.

Cause me to know which way to you,

for to you I lifted up my soul.

9 Deliver me from my enemies, YHWH;

to you I looked for cover.

10 Cause me to learn to do your will,

for you are my God.

Your spirit is good,

may it guide me on level ground.

Confidence based on God

11 For your name’s sake, YHWH, you preserve my life.

In your righteousness you bring out of adversity my soul.

12 And in your steadfast love exterminate my enemies,

and destroy all my adversaries,

for I am your servant.