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Diploma in Theological Studies (DipTS)


The Diploma in Theological Studies is designed primarily to help lay Christians, who desire foundational but also high-quality theological education for either their own development or in preparation for serving as lay leaders in the Church. It can also be taken by those who desire to be involved in Christian ministries but are yet unprepared to seek ordination. The credits gained may be transferred to TTC’s basic theological degrees, such as the MTS, the BD or the MDiv.

Started in January 2017, the Diploma in Theological Studies is a joint programme between Trinity Theological College (TTC) and the Biblical Graduate School of Theology (BGST).

Diploma students are regarded as full members of the college. They are therefore welcomed and also expected to participate in the life and activities of the community at Trinity.

The essence of this programme is flexibility and accessibility. Students can register for courses offered by either of the institutions. Courses at TTC are offered mainly during the day, courses at BGST in the evening and in private study format. Applicants must be Singapore citizens or residing in Singapore.



The programme is designed to be completed in 18 months, when a full load is taken.
However, students have up to 5 years to complete it.



There will be no separate DipTS graduation ceremony: DipTS students will graduate either at the TTC Graduation or at the BGST Convocation.

Students will graduate from the institution where they originally registered or the institution to which their registration has been transferred in the course of their studies.

The DipTS certificate will be jointly issued by BGST and TTC, and will carry the logos of both schools.

To graduate, a student must:
1) Complete all core courses and community requirements;
2) Fulfil at least 37 credit hours;
3) Obtain an average GPA score of at least 2.0.

I signed up to study at TTC to equip myself with a deeper knowledge of the bible. However I received more than what I signed up for – getting to listen to lecturers’ personal experience, project work with classmates who are fervent for Christ, friendship with Family Group and mentors, learning to live out our faith as a student and to trust God in our exams and essays. It has been amazing to learn from the lecturers who are not only subject experts, but are also compassionate and pastoral at heart. 


DipTS, Class of 2024, Methodist, Singapore

The course at TTC certainly did a refining in my perspectives of Christianity. My views of God have certainly deepened greatly during my time at TTC. My time at TTC has allowed me to get to know students from different denominations and to understand the various denominations’ impact on Christianity. Lastly, the lecturers are very knowledgeable in their respective fields and very friendly and approachable.


Dip TS, Class of 2021, Evangelical Free Church, Singapore

The programme allowed me to balance professional, family and church commitments while engaging in academic work, writing essays, interactions with fellow servants of the gospel.


DipTS, Class of 2024, Presbyterian, Singapore