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ATESEA Accreditation Exercise to Indonesia

During the week of 8th September to 15th September, Rev Dr Edmund Fong and Rev Dr Samuel Wang participated in the ATESEA (Association of Theological Education in South East Asia) accreditation exercise for member theological schools in Indonesia. Dr Fong and Dr Wang were split up to join two different teams on reaching Jakarta.

Together with Dr Gloria Mapangdol (St. Andrew’s Theological Seminary, Philippines) and Dr Yusak Setyawan (Satya Wacana Christian University, Indonesia), the team Dr Fong was in visited Jakarta Theological Seminary in Jakarta (9–12 September) and STT Abdi Sabda in Medan (12–15 September).

Dr Samuel Wang’s team was with Dr Jeaneth Faller (The Divinity School – Silliman University) and Dr Alfius Mutak (STT Aletheia) to visit Seminari Alkitab Asia Tenggara in Malang, East Java (Sept 9-12) and later at STT Aletheia in Lawang, Jawa Timur (Sept 12-15), Dr Rahmiati Tanudjaja (Seminari Alkitab Asia Tenggara) replaced Dr Alfius Mutak.

The time at the seminaries was spent conducting interviews with the President and Faculty, the students (both undergraduates and postgraduates), alumni, and the Board of Trustees. The teams were taken on campus tours including the student dormitories and given the chance to sit in classes at all the seminaries. During rest periods, they were also generously hosted to the sights, sounds and flavours of the respective locales.

Being the first time, the highlight for both Dr Fong and Dr Wang on this trip was the chance to participate and be orientated to an ATESEA accreditation exercise. They value the forging of new friendships with team members and the faculty of the seminaries accredited, and are thankful for the privilege of contributing towards the cause of ensuring good quality theological education in the seminaries within Indonesia.