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John Calvin and Christian Piety

What does the well-known 16th century Protestant Reformer John Calvin have to say on the subject of Christian piety? This intriguing subject was explored by Rev Dr Jimmy Tan, a lecturer in pastoral and practical theology at TTC. As part of a series of lectures jointly organized by the Asian Institute of Calvin Studies and TTC, Dr Tan drew from his doctoral research and delivered a lecture entitled “John Calvin and Christian Piety” on 19 April.

Inter College Games 2016

“All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.” So the saying goes. Similarly, a healthy Christian balances both work and play. So play we did! The TTC community gathered in full force on Friday, 4 March, to participate in the Inter College Games 2016. Held at ACS (I), the other participating colleges were Singapore Bible College (SBC), Baptist Theological Seminary (BTS) and East Asia School of Theology (EAST).