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SPH says Farewell to Warden Moore

On the evening of the 26th of February 2016, St Peter’s Hall (SPH) held a dinner event to celebrate the ministry of the Revd Canon Mervyn Moore and his wife, Dawn, who were preparing to return home to South Africa after spending two years in Singapore. Canon Moore served as the warden of St Peter’s Hall, the hall within TTC that looks into the training and spiritual formation of Anglican students, from March 2014 to March 2016.


Selfless + Empowered + Resourceful + Venturing + Encompassing – SERVE – a 3-month program organised by The Anglican Diocese of Singapore Youth Board for the youths of this generation. SERVE was initiated with a purpose to encourage youths to set aside a time to discover God and His purpose by inspiring their minds through the interactive Scripture lessons and experiential learning.

TTC Open House 2016

Wednesday, January 20 2016 – it was time for TTC to host its annual Open House. This annual event was born out of the intention of allowing potential seminarians to “check out” the school and “confirm their call” to ministry. The 84 individuals who made their way up our hill were welcomed by the Principal’s opening address and the Academic Dean’s introduction of the school.