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Seminar on ‘Learning about the Marketplace’

On Tuesday 29 August 2017, Trinity Theological College had the privilege of hearing Dr Robert Banks speak on the topic of ‘Affirming and Equipping Church Members for their Vocation in the Marketplace’ organised by Faith and Society Forum. The seminar came at a timely moment, considering the recent surge in discussions centring on ‘marketplace theology’ or the idea of conceiving our jobs as vocations granted by God.

Day of Prayer 2017

This year’s Day of Prayer was held on 17th August and centered on the theme “Calling God our Father”. In the opening exhortation, our speaker, Rev Dr Edmund Fong, warned against faulty notions of prayer and urged the community to return to prayer’s fundamental basis which is that of addressing God as “Father”.

The Joy of Gardening in TTC

I remember when I first joined gardening, I was assigned to remove the weeds that had overgrown in the garden. Hence, week after week, I would take a spade, place the bottom tip of the blade right next to the stem and press down vertically to push the blade into the soil and then tilt the spade downwards towards the ground to pull the whole root out. Sometimes, I would use my hands to pull out the weeds instead. To me, that wasn’t a simple task!

MUIS Academy’s Visit

On Thursday, 27 July 2017, MUIS Academy paid a special visit to TTC. Ambassador Alami (President of MUIS Council) and Dr Hannan Hassan (the Vice Dean) brought about forty young scholars to visit TTC to learn about our history and programmes.

Presbyterian Youths Visit TTC

As part of the Synod Training and Exposure Programme (STEP), the STEP participants were invited down to Trinity Theological College to attend four short presentations by four of the Presbyterian TTC lecturers on 24 May.