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Exchange Student from Emory University

Jacob Cogman, a second year Master of Divinity student from the Candler School of Theology, Emory University in Atlanta, joined us as an exchange student for the Spring semester (Jan-May). For this short interview, he was challenged to use haiku, a style of Japanese poetry that features three lines of words that follow a 5-7-5 syllable pattern to answer the following questions:

TTC Seminar on Spiritual Formation

As part of her 70th anniversary celebration, the College held a half-day seminar on 15th May 2018 on the subject, “Christian Spiritual Formation: Its Nature, Potential and Pitfalls”. Primarily intended for pastors and Christian workers, it examined aspects of the Christian’s transformation into Christlikeness and its obstacles.

Professor John Barclay at TTC

On 10th April 2018, TTC held a public lecture by Professor John M. G. Barclay. Professor Barclay is the Lightfoot Professor of Divinity at Durham University in the United Kingdom. Renowned for his work on the history of the early church, he spoke on the topic, “Early Christianity and the Survival of the Poor.”

Retreat at TTC March 2018

We give praise and glory to God for making the Spiritual Retreat in March yet another occasion in which he met with the retreatants in deep and profound ways. This is the eighth spiritual retreat since the College began offering it in May 2016. Held on its campus and intentionally limited to twelve retreatants, the Spiritual Retreat made available the time and space for them to commune with the Lord.