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Be Glad in the Joy of the Lord

Psalm 32:11

Be glad in YHWH,
and rejoice, righteous ones,
and shout for joy, all upright in heart!

I had a very intense meeting with the church’s youth committee one Sunday afternoon. The planning session took on a solemn note as I shared with the youth leaders the concerns that God had placed on my heart: they had been busy in the name of ministry and church activities, but their hearts had grown cold. As I spoke, a terrible sadness came over me, and I broke down weeping in front of the ten youth leaders. I dismissed the meeting and packed my things in silence, while they continued discussing their upcoming social outing as if nothing had happened. I was relieved that I had spoken what was on my heart, but the sense of grief and sadness did not leave me.

A few days later, as I meditated on Psalm 32, a psalm about the blessedness of sins forgiven, I sensed the Lord telling me to “be glad” and “rejoice” (verse 11). I was surprised, “Rejoice? But in what, Lord?” I understood that the joy spoken of by the psalmist was that which comes after genuine repentance, “but my youths have not repented, Lord!” The Lord answered me, “Rejoice in your own forgiveness!”

All of a sudden, the Spirit convicted me that I had been so fixated on the spiritual growth of my youths that I had forgotten to derive joy from my own relationship with God. In as much as he revealed to me his heart for the youths, he wanted me to find joy and strength in him alone, not in their progress. It is only when we live out such joy that we can show others the way to live for God—a life not of just doing and serving, but of being with a God of faithful love.

Have you been so burdened by God’s work or by the lack of results that you have forgotten your salvation in Christ Jesus? Remember that God alone is your true source of strength and joy. Let us give thanks for his forgiveness, and be glad in YHWH today!