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Psalm 130:4-7

PSALM 130:4-7

4 But with you is THE forgiveness
so that you are held in awe.
5 I waited for YHWH, my soul waited,
and for his word I hoped;
6 my soul, for my Lord more than watchmen for the morning,
watchmen for the morning
7 Hope, O Israel, in YHWH!
For with YHWH is THE steadfast love,
and great with him is ransom.


The humble article: it is a little word in English, “the,” and a mere letter (ה) in Hebrew. Yet, it punches above its weight in meaning.

In Psalm 130, the article personifies God’s forgiveness (v. 4) and his steadfast love (v. 7), transforming them into beings that are ever present at God’s sides, like his divine generals on his left and right. The constancy of these divine generals enables the Psalmist to wait in hope, even exhorting his community to wait (v. 7), trusting that God will act to ransom in due time.

The past weekend was very trying as I struggled to manage my brood of five boys at home with my husband away. As I battled tiredness, strain, anger, irritation and exhaustion, I found myself sinking in despair. Was I out of my mind to consider going into full-time ministry later in the year when I was finding it so difficult now?

God spoke to me through this psalm, reminding me that my hope lay not in myself or in my circumstances, but in Him alone. When I find myself drowning in the depths of sinful responses to trying times, God sends “the forgiveness” to my comfort. When I find myself doubting that I have been called, God sends “the steadfast love” to reassure and uphold me.

Are life’s circumstances causing you to lose hope? Are your own sins causing you to drown in despair? Wait for the Lord in hope because God will despatch his twin generals— “the forgiveness” and “the steadfast love” to your aid.

Tay Li Ping
(M.Div., Yr 3)