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Psalm 143:8, 10

Psalm 143:8, 10

8 Cause me to hear in the morning your steadfast love,

for in you I trusted.

Cause me to know which way to you,

for to you I lifted up my soul.

10 Cause me to learn to do your will,

for you are my God.

Your spirit is good,

may it guide me on level ground.


With the availability of Google and Youtube, we can readily pick up skills like playing the piano, photography, or baking. There is a plethora of self-help tutorials where improvements to your physical, emotional, mental, and even spiritual well-being are taught. But when it comes to our relationship with God, where do we go? Is it still Google or Youtube? Or maybe it is to your pastor, small group, or other fellow Christians. Some of these are good options, but how often do we go directly to God himself?

In Psalm 143, the psalmist’s triple plea to cause him to hear, to know, and to learn (vv. 8, 10) is indicative of his total reliance on God. In the midst of his troubles (v. 3), he turns to God whole heartedly to God for direction, trusting in God’s spirit and goodness to guide him.

In my secondary school days, I used to keep a daily Bible reading journal where I penned similar prayers like, “God, please show me your way,” or, “Please instruct me in the way to act.” But as I grew older and assumed more responsibilities in church, I started to read and learn more. Pride set in, and I found myself relying less on God as the primary source and turning more to secondary sources like ministry experts and superstar pastors on how to run church, do youth ministry, and live the Christian life.

In v. 12, the psalmist sees himself not as the master of her or his own destiny but as God’s “servant”. To be God’s “servant” is to live solely by the grace of the Master. So as we seek for answers for problems, instead of going online or seeking what the leading, cutting-edge pastor/author is saying, let us go to God because He knows best. As we lay down our pride, God’s spirit is then able to come alongside to lead and guide us.


Caleb Chua
(M.Div, Yr 2)