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Psalm 38 (MLV)



CALL TO GOD based on problems

1 YHWH, do not in your anger correct me,

and do not in your wrath discipline me.

2 For your arrows descended into me,

and your hand descended upon me.



3 There is no wholeness in my flesh because of your indignation;

there is no wellness in my bones because of my sin.

4 For my iniquities passed over my head;

like a weighty burden, they are too heavy for me.

5 They stank, they rot, my wounds

because of my foolishness;

6 I am bent, I am bowed down exceedingly;

all day long in darkness I walked about.

7 For my loins/stupidity are filled with burning/shame,

and there is no wholeness in my flesh.


COMPLAINT about self

8 I am numb, and I am crushed exceedingly;

I roared because of the growling of my heart.

9 My Lord, before you all my longing;

and my sighing from you not hidden.

10 My heart palpitated, my strength abandoned me;

and the light of my eyes, even that has gone from me.


COMPLAINT about enemies

11 My friends & companions from before my affliction they would stand,

and those near me from far they stood.

12 and they set snares, those seeking my life;

and those searching my trouble, they speak my destruction,

and deceit all day long they murmur.

13 But I am like the deaf, I cannot hear;

and like the mute, whose mouth cannot open.

14 and I have become like a man who is not hearing,

and in whose mouth there is no retort.


CONFIDENCE because YHWH will answer

15 For it is for you, YHWH, I waited;

You, you will answer, my Lord my God.

16 For I said, “Lest they will rejoice over me,

when my foot slipped, against me they boasted;”

17 For me to stumble, it is established,

and my pain is before me continually;

18 For my iniquity I will declare,

I will dread my sin;

19 and my mortal enemies are mighty,

and many are those hating me with falsehood.

20 and those repaying me evil for good,

they attack me for my pursuing good.


CALL TO GOD based on person of YHWH

21 Do not abandon me, YHWH;

My God, do not be far from me;

22 Hasten to my aid,

My Lord, my Salvation!