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Psalm 51:10

Psalm 51:10

10 A pure heart create for me, O God,
and a steadfast spirit renew within me!


At the age of 22, Mr Kevin Wong suffered from heart failure. Then he had two strokes, one of which impaired his language abilities. Life finally got better when he had a heart transplant in 2017. “With a new heart, it’s like a new lease of life. I can run now and I can play basketball,” he said. “I feel like I’m a normal person again and I feel very grateful for a second chance.” (Straits Times, Feb 20, 2019)

We all suffer from heart failure—not a physical one, but a spiritual one. Ps 51:10 tells us that we all, too, need a new heart created by God. The Hebrew word for “create”, bara, is used only of God; God alone can create something new from sinful chaos. We thank God that we now truly have a new heart through Christ. The parallel line in v. 10 tells us that such a heart is one that is steadfast, i.e., it is reliable and will keep on doing what is right.

Then why is it that I keep on failing? There are people in ministry who hurt me and make me angry. We don’t agree on various issues, and we respond in very human ways. I forgive over and over, and yet I’m still upset and find it hard to relate to them.

God reminded me that the new heart he gave me is his own heart of love. How does God love even the worst of sinners? Simply because they are his sons and daughters. Would I not love my own children even if they behave badly? I don’t condone their behaviour, but I would still cry on their behalf. So I learn to forgive because I begin to see my opponents as God’s children too.

How can you live out your new heart? Like the psalmist, you simply ask. God will do it all. He is delighted when we come with a broken heart (v. 17) so that he can empower us to live with his heart and Spirit.

Rev. Dr Maggie Low