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Psalm 51:6

Psalm 51:6

See, truth you delight in hidden parts;
And in a secret chamber, wisdom may you cause me to acknowledge.


I was having dinner with some fellow Christians, and a brother asked me about a ministry matter he was agonizing over. The Lord impressed on me some insights, and I wasted no time speaking my mind. For a brief moment I wondered how they did not have the spiritual maturity to consider what I mentioned. Those seated around the table were impressed by my quick response, and thanked me for the insight I offered.

As I sat on the bus heading home, I felt that the Lord was not pleased with the way I had responded. “But Lord, didn’t I say the very things you had impressed on me?” “Yes, but you said it with pride in your heart. You wanted to appear ‘spiritual’ to impress those seated around you. Your confidence did not come from me.”

That evening, God saw in my heart what had been hidden from my Christian brothers and sisters. He convicted me of my spiritual arrogance and reminded me that he cared about what happened in the “secret chamber” of my heart.

“Hidden parts” and “secret chamber” in Ps 51:6 refer to where we sin in secrecy, whether hidden in our persons where no one knows or in hidden places where no one sees. King David may have tried to keep his adultery and murder under wraps, but God saw and brought them to light. God wants us to do what is right even when no one is watching, or especially when no one is watching because that is true righteousness.

I acknowledge God’s truth and wisdom that my insights came from him. I am to share not to show how good I am but for the good of others and for God’s glory. Psalm 51 invites you to come in repentance and ask for a new pure heart (v. 10). O Lord, give me your truth and wisdom in my heart.

Anna Luu
(M.Div., Yr 2)