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Day of Prayer 2017

This year’s Day of Prayer was held on 17th August and centered on the theme “Calling God our Father”. In the opening exhortation, our speaker, Rev Dr Edmund Fong, warned against faulty notions of prayer and urged the community to return to prayer’s fundamental basis which is that of addressing God as “Father”.

Following the exhortation, students and faculty spent time praying at various prayer stations. Some stations focused on prayer between the individual and God while others involved intercession for brothers and sisters of different nationalities. Students who chose to pray at the St Peter’s Hall Chapel meditated on the parable of the prodigal son (Luke 15:11-32) through the use of Rembrandt’s painting. Others chose to spend their time praying for countries such as China, Vietnam and Singapore, while a handful of students took a slow and contemplative walk to the nearby quarry for prayer in solitude.

The community gathered back just before noon for a closing communion service presided by our chaplain Rev Dr Jeffrey Truscott. The day ended with sharing and prayers within the setting of family groups. Many of us found the whole experience spiritually refreshing as the whole TTC community paused for a day of prayer.

By Adriel Yeo (BD 2)