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Intra College Games 2018

This year’s Intra College Games was held on the Friday afternoon of 12 October 2018. Games were divided into four categories – Captain’s Ball, soccer, table tennis and indoor games. Some fifty students abandoned their assignments, study carrels and laptops for some fun and exercise. Sports enthusiasts like me were overjoyed, and I quickly signed up for the soccer category. For the less active students, indoor station games were a welcome sight, while others were happy just to cheer for their peers.

At the pitch, I thoroughly enjoyed myself! Although some of us play soccer regularly, the Intra College Games was an enhanced version of our regular soccer practice. Playing with other members of the college, including faculty members such as Dr Samuel Wang was a real treat. There was a spontaneous and welcoming feel to the games since anyone in our community could just turn up and join in the fun.

It was also heartening to see students teaching one another the finer details of the way the games were to be played. Prize giving was, for me, a most encouraging sight, for we celebrated each other’s presence rather than the winners. Prizes were generously shared with all present. Everyone was simply family. This experience of unity in community life is truly a wonderful blessing. The Psalmist puts it best: “How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity” (Psalm 133:1).

By Isaac Tan (MDiv1)