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MUIS Academy’s Visit

On Thursday, 27 July 2017, MUIS Academy paid a special visit to TTC. Ambassador Alami (President of MUIS Council) and Dr Hannan Hassan (the Vice Dean) brought about forty young scholars to visit TTC to learn about our history and programmes. These are scholars who have just returned from their Islamic studies in famous institutions overseas and are now participating in a short programme by MUIS Academy to help them be re-contextualised to the realities of Singapore.

We are humbled by the respect MUIS Academy has shown us, and were impressed with the enthusiasm these young scholars had for our institution and the teachings and symbols of Christianity. We understand how significant this visit is, as these scholars will be the future leaders of the Muslim community in Singapore. A visit of this nature will certainly contribute towards understanding and peace-building between the important religions in Singapore. TTC intends to reciprocate by planning a visit for our students to MUIS Academy.

By Dr Tan Kim Huat