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Presbyterian Youths Visit TTC

As part of the Synod Training and Exposure Programme (STEP), the STEP participants were invited down to Trinity Theological College to attend four short presentations by four of the Presbyterian TTC lecturers on 24 May. Although each presentation was only twenty minutes long, these lectures were jam-packed with information about how a theological education would help us to better be able to read the Old and New Testament, how to see other disciplines through the lens of a Christian worldview, and challenged us to think what sustainable missions would look like.

Many of the STEP participants are presently studying in university, or waiting to enter tertiary education. As such, we are familiar with the rigour and hard work that further education requires. The visit to TTC sparked some of us to consider what it would be like if we chose to channel the effort that we put into our university education into learning more about our faith and about our God. The church no doubt would benefit from having more trained ministers! We are all thankful for the small peek into the life of a theological student and would like to extend our gratitude to Rev Dr James Lim, Rev Dr Maggie Low, Rev Dr Edmund Fong and Rev Dr Leonard Wee for their amazing hospitality.

By Tabitha Lee