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SERVE Youths Visit TTC

On 13th February 2017, 35 youths from SERVE visited Trinity Theological College (TTC). SERVE is a 3-month training programme that allows youths to explore the various arms and partners of the Diocese of Singapore (Anglican). This visit to TTC encourages the youths to explore the possibility of getting theologically equipped or even entering full-time ministry in the future.

The 35 youths were ushered into Saint Peter’s Hall (SPH) Chapel and welcomed by our Dean of Students Rev Dr Edwin Tay. Thereafter, our current Student Council President, Joshua Ong, gave an introduction of TTC. Lastly, the time in the Chapel was concluded with a message entitled “Passing on the Baton” by the Warden of Saint Peter’s Hall, the Rev Joseph Goh.

The youths were brought on a tour around the College starting from the SPH Chapel and ending at TTC Chapel. This route was intentionally planned to bring forth the idea that Anglican students are sent by the Diocese to TTC to join in the ecumenical learning and participation of sound theology. Once at the TTC Chapel, we had a time of worship. Then, our first year student, Clara Loh shared her testimony of how God led her into TTC. Our time together concluded with a time of prayer for the SERVE participants.

We give thanks to our Lord for stirring up the hearts of these young men and women. Our prayer for them is that they may continue to walk in the ways of our Lord, for all who seek the Lord lack no good thing.

By Wayne Fu (MDiv 1)