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TTC “Rags Day”: Work and Community

“Do you have an extra rag?”

This was a common question heard throughout campus on 5th January 2018 as the TTC community readied ourselves (in matching college t-shirts, no less!) for our Annual College Cleaning Day.

We were instructed by our Dean of Students, Dr Chiang Ming Shun to bring our old rags for the cleaning exercise. But when it came to it, finding an old piece of cloth seemed to be a more challenging task for some of us. Nevertheless, “sharing is caring” as the saying goes. The spirit of unity was evident even before the commencement of the activity as we helped one another find pieces of cleaning materials.

Dr Edwin Tay, our Vice-Principal opened the event with a prayer and a short message of encouragement that reminded us of the essence of Work and Community. With this, all faculty and students of the college marched off (armed with brooms, dustpans, rags and Cif) into various parts of the school for our time of Work in Community. The next two hours was filled with much sweat, laughter and the occasional screams of terror when we find wasp nests or something of a similar kind. Those who completed their tasks early took the initiative to help other groups who were still battling at their assigned grounds.

Our kind caterer, Mdm Yap and her team provided free 100-plus and icy cold water to refresh our tired bodies. We closed the day in true community as we gathered around the cafeteria to exchange stories and enjoy the experience of inhabiting a well-cleaned campus.

Chan Xin Hui (MDiv 1)